Running in Bali - A guide to help you feel safe
Running solo as a female in Bali
As a man who runs alone in Bali I have come to understand the intricacies and beauty that lies within the madness. I understand that this privilege to feel safe might not be the same for women and those that identify that way. So I’ve compiled a few hot takes from girls and our community who run a lot here and added my own two cents in hopes that you can get out and enjoy a run on this beautiful island.
Yes, there is alot and this is by far the most talked about aspect of running here. Some things that might help you.
Slow down - if there is nothing to chase it ain’t that fun.
Ignore them - generally this works pretty good, maybe a little finger point and shoosh if need be.
Carry snacks - couple pocket treats will give you time to run faster and they might remember your kind gesture next time.
While I’m usually an advocate of running AGAINST the flow. I feel more in control seeing what’s coming towards me. This is something you will need to try for yourself. If approaching a blind corner I will always switch to the appropriate side so I am seen. I don’t run with headphones, if you do try to have one out or something like Shokz so you have more spatial awareness.
Unfortunately some men think its okay to grab or touch. This sucks and it’s something to be aware of. Having full awareness of your surroundings and being able to hear approaching bikes will help. Some girls have a little keyring that acts as an alarm. This is also where running toward the traffic gives you a touch more control of what’s coming.
Go with the flow - sometimes we have to run on busier roads to get to and from the quiet ones. Approach the same way you might ride a scooter. Offensively is good and just going with the flow without hesitation seems to work. Being predictable is a good thing.
Some drivers take the opportunity to play chicken when running against traffic and bigger vehicles seem to get a bit close for comfort on either side. If running early, bring a headlamp, have something reflective on will increase the likeliness of being seen.
Look on Strava or keep your eyes on our IG as we are compiling some of our communities favorite routes all over the island. We like the rice field tracks, generally a 10 or 15 minute drive outside of touristy spots will allow for cleaner air, less traffic and a more genuine feel of Bali and its locals.
Wrap Up
Join a run club. It’s safe, you can meet others who want to run early together. Get to know some routes. There is something everyday of the week and from our experience they are all very welcoming and if you attend one you will likely see a face you recognize. Check their respective IG profiles for times and locations.
-Rev’s Run Club ( social, road, open to all, 5 km )
-Uluwatu - Good Move - (social , road, open to all, 5 km )
-Rise & Run ( Social, open to all, with 4 & 8 km options )
-Continuum Speed Session ( focus on training, still social and open to all abilities, but be prepared to raise your heart rate )
-Hyrox at BYND is a great alternative if you want to combine running with other exercises.
-Flowerboy ( social, open to all , mixed terrain ,5 & 10 km options )
-if in Uluwatu - Good Move ( social, open to all, 5 km, road )
-Hip, knee and ankle mobility at BYND is something worth checking out.
- Rise & Run ( sprints, open to all and very welcoming between 5 & 10 km more workout focused )
-Continuum - Threshhold - ( good if you’re training or just want some group motivation, open to all, again be prepared to push yourself a little )
- Go for a strength or recovery session at BYND
- Flowerboy ( open to all , social , 5 and 10 km , monthly 15km runs with Satisfy )
-Shuffle and Strides - Legian ( big community focus , walk and run , great people )
- Continuum group long runs ( generally a faster pace, still open to all abilities, locations vary so check their IG )
Join our whats app group , introduce yourself at run club, from our experience everyone who runs here is motivating, welcoming and lovely. Keep showing up and you will see improvement in so many aspects of your life.
Thanks for reading and I hope we get to share some time running together soon!
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